Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 3 Vascularity and Temperature Lab

Module 3 Vascularity and Temperature Lab

Q 1. Is the baseline temperature recovered within the 2 minutes during which data is collected? Estimate how long it would take for full recovery to be achieved for each of the two runs. Relate this to everyday experiences where you have been exposed to cold. 2. Which area of skin tested (upper arm or face) had the most rapid recovery of temperature after cooling? Explain this result. 3. Alcohol causes dilatation of arterioles and a sensation of warmth. Would you recommend that someone who is stranded in the snow drink alcohol to keep warm? Why or why not? 4. A condition called hyperthermia (heat prostration) can result when the body’s homeostatic mechanisms are no longer adequate to counter the effect of high external temperatures. On the basis of what you know about vasoconstriction and vasodilation as methods of temperature regulation in the body, describe the skin color of someone who is in the first stages of hyperthermia.

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1. The baseline temperature for both the cheek and the upper arm will not be recovered after the first two minutes. The original temperature of the upper arm was 31.317 º C, and after two minutes of recovery the temperature only reached 25.5 ºC . In order for the upper arm to fully recover back to its original temperature , it would take approximately 1 minute and 20 seconds at a rate of 0.068 º C/s. Similarly ,the cheek’s original temperature read 31.73 ºC . After 120 seconds ,its recovery only be warmed up to a temperature of 24.6 ºC . In order for the cheek to make a full recovery at a rate of 0.065 º C /sec it would take about 1 minute 35 seconds .2.Within the two minute recovery period the arm illustrated a quicker average recovery rate. However , the cheek would end up reaching its original baseline temperature quicker ,as the arm started at a colder temperature ,as well as exhibiting signs of plateau effect when it came to the warming of the skin.